Why choose Stepup ?

We are well aware of our competitors and also by embarking into this business we have indulged ourselves in a global competition however we believe each has their own strategies to become successful in their industry Likewise Stepup has its own by enabling our users not only to acquire the cognizance alone but by adding values to their life through our program from which they can benefit themselves immensely. In order to make young entrepreneurs to involve themselves in our cause we have made it in the way it is now.

This strategy has been used only to stand alone has a entity and to deliver the product as much as we can and to take this knowledge to every nuke and corner.

Our Books

We offer following books

Who are we ?

We at SUA we sell E-Books which concentrates only on the emerging sectors which we feel that the cognizance has to be bought to every individual who wants to thrive in that particular industry.

Starter Pack


We understand you..! Demo package makes you understand how our program works and how the operations will function in and out of our website. You can login using your credentials and you can get an demo account for 10days with the withdrawal of 100NRP

Buy This Package
Ultra Pro Package


We will never disappoint you


This package will consist of 5 editions which will cover all the sectors of Ayurveda, Electronic Vehicle, Artificial Intelligence and will be delivered in the foresaid duration. At instance you will be accommodated with the first edition and user has to engage themselves in our program in order to make us understand where the book needs enhancement and it will be delivered on the same.